DISC: A Personality Assessment Tool


This Doula Learning Channel course is 35 minutes in length.

Enhancing the communication abilities of people-focused professionals and improving client experiences.

Learning objective: To bring online learners an understanding of the characteristics and communication preferences of the four unique personality styles enabling their improved communication abilities.



Enhancing the communication abilities of people-focused professionals and improving client experiences.

Learning objective: To bring online learners an understanding of the characteristics and communication preferences of the four unique personality styles enabling their improved communication abilities.

This 2 part lesson explores:

  • The history of DISC
  • The evolution of DISC
  • A description of each personality style
  • DISC “must knows”
  • The behaviors unique to each personality style
  • The language preferences of each personality style
  • The written preferences of each personality style
  • The decision-making process of each personality
  • A resource for learning more about your own unique personality style



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