A guide for recognizing when our clients are experiencing a mental health emergency and for understanding how to act quickly in a crisis.
Learning Objective: To familiarize online learners with the various postpartum mood and anxiety disorders, prepare them to recognize mental health emergencies, and provide tools for how to respond to them. To also provide actionable steps for the learner to take in order to prepare themselves and their business to respond to clients in crisis.
Lesson 1: Recognizing Postpartum Mood & Anxiety Disorders
In this lesson, you will familiarize yourself with the various symptoms that your clients will exhibit when dealing with a PMAD.
Lesson 2: Recognizing When a Client is in Crisis
Here, we will explain the difference between emergency and non-emergency symptoms so that you are able to spot a client in crisis.
Lesson 3: Resources for a Client in Crisis
In this lesson, we will layout the multiple resources available to a client in crisis and explain the best way to utilize them depending on what is happening with your client.
Lesson 4: Preparing Your Business for Mental Health Emergencies
This lesson will provide you with a step-by-step action plan you can implement for your business so that you and everyone you work with will be prepared when dealing with a client in crisis.
”ProDoula is an approved provider of nursing professional development by the South Carolina Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.”
This course provides .50 CNEs approved by the American Nurse Association
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